We assist you in bringing the positive back to performance management. We have years of experience in this field and will be able to work with you to ensure, not only that, this crucial element of your business takes place when required, but that staff look forward to these engagements.
Our offering includes:
- Job Descriptions – a job description is one of the key factors to make or break performance management endeavours. Our experts assist you in drawing up job descriptions that will ensure successful implementation.
- Performance Contracts – once job descriptions have been finalised, performance contracts will be drawn up and includes expectations, goals, timeframes, etc. Individual employees will then contract with management to ensure both parties have bought in to the process
- Management Training – execution is key. We work with your managers to ensure they understand the performance management methodology and understand how to measure performance. More crucial though are the actual performance discussions and ensuring that performance management is handled in a positive way. We work with the management team and will coach them using simulations.
- Measure what Matters – it is key to keep things simple. We not only assist you in ensuring that the goals you set up are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Bound), but also that key indicators are measured. The last thing you want is for staff to spend more time trying to measure performance than doing what needs to be done to grow the business.
We have found that performance management and agile coaching implementation work extremely well when implemented together.
Please click here to send a prompt for us to make contact. We promise to call you immediately and discuss your needs.